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Bodies in Motion

Celebrating our Bodies and Empowering Ourselves for Life Bring BIM to Your School Learn more

Why Bodies in Motion (BIM)?

BIM is an empirically-validated, interactive program that gives athletes the chance to connect with each other and improve how they feel about themselves and their bodies

Over 90% of athletes who completed the program strongly agree or agree that Bodies in Motion helped them to:

  • Understand how societal and sport appearance ideals affect how they think and feel about themselves and their bodies
  • Be kinder and more compassionate with themselves
  • Celebrate their bodies for what they can do
  • Embrace their appearance and bodies as they are
  • Advocate for a healthier, more positive body culture

100% of athletes who completed the program would recommend Bodies in Motion to other athletes

What Athletes Are Saying About BIM

"I loved having a safe space with peers that I trust to share content that helps with my body image and positive self-talk related to appearance. It opened my eyes and helped me understand that others experience these struggles as well."

"Even though my body does not fit the standard female body type, I am embracing it because I am strong for my sport and myself."

"Appreciating my body for all of the things that it can do…being kind to myself and reading out loud all of the things that I love about my body."

"Every part of me deserves to be loved, my body is the only one I'll get, and I need to treat it with kindness."

Bring BIM to your School's Athletes

Bodies in Motion has already helped hundreds of athletes

  • change the way they see and understand the appearance conscious world in which they live
  • feel more positively about themselves and their bodies
  • connect to others to form a new, more body-positive community of athletes.

Join the Bodies in Motion Family and bring this empirically-validated program to your athletes.

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